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  • Christmas has arrived!

    Published 01/12/23

    The Christmas decorations have been hung at The Peterborough School... take a look!

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  • Book Buzz 2023

    Published 24/11/23

    Book Buzz Breakfast is a wonderful event in the school calendar in the English and Library departments where the Year 7s receive a free book given by Book Trust, a national organisation to promote reading in young people.

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  • Remembrance Service 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    On Friday the 10th November, pupils from the Upper Prep and Senior School gathered around the Front Lawn Flag Pole for our Remembrance Day Service, to pay tribute to those who fought bravely serving their country.            

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  • Reception Classroom Refurbishment!

    Published 31/10/23

    At The Peterborough School, we continue to evolve and invest in facilities year after year.

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  • Ben Smith joins us for Speech Day 2023

    Published 16/10/23

    The Peterborough School were delighted to welcome Ben Smith, 401 Challenge Founder, to join us for our annual Speech Day and Prize giving on 13th October 2023. 

    Ben spoke to our Senior and Prep students, delivering age-appropriate, yet equally inspiring and engaging assemblies. To all students, his talks covered subjects such as mental health, anti-bullying, overcoming adversity, positive mindset, resilience and persistence, planning and goal setting, change management and equality, diversity and inclusion. Ben's final words were incredibly poignant; 'find that thing that makes you happy, and never stop doing it'. 


    Ben joined members of the Schools Diversity Committee, where he ran a workshop to inspire discussion about areas and topics within the school that students wish to develop. The workshop was incredibly well received, and students left with many ideas and the beginnings of big plans! Ben was then interviewed by lead members of our student magazine, 'The Grapevine', before heading over to The Nursery to officially open the new building. 











    Joined by SLT, Governors, special guests and our founding Nursery Manager, Pauline Bellamy, Ben Smith was invited to cut the ribbon and officially open the new Nursery room, purpose built for our pre-prep age group. Guests were then invited to meet our current pre-prep children, who were enjoying their lunch and playing in their new classroom! 

    After joining our Governors, Ben Smith was invited to our annual Speech Day at The Peterborough Cathedral, presenting over 150 students with their prizes!










    Thank you, Ben, for such a wonderful day.


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  • Annual Review

    Published 16/10/23

    Headmaster's Annual Review - Academic Year 2022-2023 

    Delivered at Speech Day, Peterborough Cathedral 

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  • Year 3 - Burghley House Tudor Visit

    Published 11/10/23

    On Tuesday, Year Three visited Burghley House in Stamford.

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  • Chapel Choir Voices of Woodard Weekend

    Published 09/10/23

    Last weekend, 15 intrepid members of our Chapel Choir set off with Mr Brain and Mrs Mason for The Voices of Woodard Weekend hosted by Ellesmere College and led by the Senior Provost, Revd Justin White.

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  • Harvest Festival Celebration

    Published 04/10/23

    Earlier this week, the Prep School held our annual Harvest Festival.

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  • European Day of Languages 2023

    Published 26/09/23

    On Tuesday, the 26th of September, the students celebrated European Day of Languages in a very special way!

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  • Welcome Back!

    Published 06/09/23

    The start of a new school year!

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  • Outstanding results achieved by Year 11 students

    Published 24/08/23

    Students at The Peterborough School have achieved an impressive set of GCSE results in their summer exams. 

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