Outstanding GCSE Results
Students at The Peterborough School have celebrated another outstanding set of GCSE results
Students at The Peterborough School have celebrated another outstanding set of GCSE results. 100% of Year 11 students gained the benchmark minimum of five GCSEs at grades A* to C with an impressive 49.4% being at the top level of A* or A.
All of the students, except two overseas candidates who just missed out on their English, gained five at A* to C, including English and maths, giving a total percentage of 88.2%.
Over three quarters gained the academically rigorous English Baccalaureate (those gaining five GCSEs at A* to C including English, maths, a science, a language and a humanities subject), with the percentage increasing 7.5% from last year up to 76.5%.
Top academic, Sehar Nazir, led the celebrations with her eight A*s and two As. Meanwhile, Chloe Laycock was also jumping for joy with five and a half A*s, three As and two Bs.
Headmaster, Adrian Meadows, was again extremely pleased with the students’ achievements: “Our small year group has done very well and I am delighted to see so many top grades amongst the results. All of the students achieving the benchmark minimum is extremely pleasing and I congratulate everyone”.