Curriculum Overview
Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years
In the first year of the Senior School, we introduce students to a broad and stimulating programme: the curriculum comprises English, Mathematics, Science, French, Spanish, Geography, History, Religious Education, Art, Drama, Computing, PE and Technologies which include Music, Design & Technology, Food Technology and Art Textiles. In addition, students have a Form period, attend Chapel once a week and have a dedicated PSHE lesson including Careers. Many students further enrich their studies with extracurricular Music and Speech & Drama lessons. A full programme of sports practices and fixtures also enhances the Games programme.
In Year 8 students are taught Biology, Chemistry and Physics separately rather than general Science.
For the full Key Stage 3 Curriculum Booklet please download the document below.
Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years
For the full GCSE Curriculum Booklet please download the document below.
Most students take nine or ten GCSE subjects, laying a firm foundation for the pursuit of any careers beyond school, with choices for Sixth Form study a particular focus in Year 11. The core curriculum covers English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, the Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Personal Social Health Education (PSHE), PE/Games and Careers. Pupils choose four further subjects from Art, Craft and Design, Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama, Food Technology, French, Geography, History, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Spanish.
Please click on the brochures below for specific subject information: